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The Day A Pizza Caused My Death
Freitag, 17. Mai 2024
Liebe Kinder, dieses Lied will erklären, warum Ladungssicherung so wichtig ist. Also, selbst wenn Ihr nur die üblichen Einkäufe getätigt habt, verstaut sie bitte sehr sorgfältig in Mamas Auto. Andernfalls kann es passieren, dass die leckere Tiefkühlpizza Euch die Schädeldecke wegputzt. Das gibt zwar einen kühlen Kopf, macht aber ansonsten nur Scherereien.
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Once the city gave home to so
Many people who shared their lives
Here in peace / Or at least
Shared the rope of sand that a
Dictatorship provides, watch out for
What they’ve done / Many’ve gone
As people tried to free themselves
The demons crawled out of the dark and
Wreaked havoc / Fatal suck
Syria’s essential crisis
Turned to civil war and Isis
Clannish pride / Genocide
All the armies in this war have
Raised a benchmark for brute force, proved
Violence wins / Peace in bins
European Union and
United States, United Nations
Ain’t they hale? / Without fail
People lack in food, they lack in tap water
People lack in clothes, they lack in medicine
And they share / Pure despair
People lack in home, they lack in certainty
People lack in hope, they lack in quietude
And they share / A nightmare
Now the city lies in ruins and
Dust is covering the blood of
Men that died / Children cried
Over mother who was hit
By walls that tumbled down after the
Bomb was dropped / Heartbeat stopped
The last thing father felt, a blade deep
In his throat and as his head dropped
Into sand / Understand
His children turned away, they knew which
Game to play from now on in this
Giant grave / No one’s safe
People lack in food, they lack in tap water
People lack in clothes, they lack in medicine
And they share / Pure despair
People lack in home, they lack in certainty
People lack in hope, they lack in quietude
And they share / A nightmare
Rise the curtain blushed in blood, roll
Out the red odd carpet, meet a
Twist of fate / Don’t be late
Will the people who dwell in a
Land of darkness ever see the
Light again? / Fading pain
People lack in food, they lack in tap water
People lack in clothes, they lack in medicine
And they share / Pure despair
People lack in home, they lack in certainty
People lack in hope, they lack in quietude
And they share / A nightmare
Sane humanity has been
Replaced by overall human
Insanity / Vanity
Will the people who dwell in a
Land of darkness ever see the
Light again? / Fading pain
People share / Pure despair
Men that died / Children cried
People share / A nightmare
Lyrics & Music: Dirk Röse
Recorded: 2017 & 2020
© 2016
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Russian brothers
Pride of Russian mothers
Like a snake you crawl to Kiev
Mile after mile you carry war to our town
Your muzzles wide open, the poison fang ready to down
Russian brothers
Pride of Russian mothers
You bring destruction to Kiev
Your baggage despair, mutilation and death
Our old, women and children await your cold breath
Russian brothers
Pride of Russian mothers
You’re ready to give us a boot
You are bold enough to shoot
You are bold enough to kill
You’re bold enough to do his will
But you’re not brave enough to say no
You’d never say to him I don’t go
We won’t ever go into slavery
That’s why we won’t ask for your bravery
When we slow you down
When we mow you down
When we throw you out
When we blow you out of the country
Russian brothers
Pride of Russian mothers
You set out to liberate Kiev
If you fight us, who you’re supposed to save
Blinded you, look out, we’re free, we’re strong, we’re brave
Russian brothers
Pride of Russian mothers
Lyrics & Music: Dirk Röse
Recorded: 2022
© 2022
Samstag, 27. April 2024
Als ich deutlich jünger war als heute, galt es als sinnvoll, »Erfahrungen zu sammeln«. Es spielte keine Rolle, ob es gute Ereignisse, schlechte Erlebnisse oder im Sande verlaufende Entwicklungen waren. Am Ende war alles »immerhin noch eine Erfahrung«, die das Leben bereicherte, den Horizont weitete, an der man wachsen konnte. Unter der Überschrift »Erfahrung« war alles irgendwie sinnvoll. Ich verdrehte damals die Augen und dachte: »Vorsicht, es gibt so viele Erfahrungen, die man nicht braucht.«
Heute spricht keiner mehr von Erfahrungen. Vielleicht ist unser Maß längst voll von Erfahrungen, die nicht bereichern, sondern etwas kaputt machen. Vielleicht erleben wir auch nichts mehr, das eine Auszeichnung mit dem Siegel »Erfahrung« verdient.
Auch die jüngeren Generationen sprechen nicht von »Erfahrungen«. Sie haben längst andere Werte. Das legt den Schluss nahe, dass die Deutungshorizonte des Lebens wie eine Mode kommen und gehen. Und die »Erfahrung« als etwas per se Sinnvolles hat ausgedient.
Und darum gehts.
Wir kommen. Uns wird eine gesellschaftliche Rolle übertragen. Wir gehen. Da bleiben Fragen offen. Ich bin auf der Suche nach der Pointe im Leben und dem Ernst der Lage.
Donnerstag, 30. November 2023
Es stimmt, die Haare sind noch da
Doch nicht so ganz, wie's einmal war
Herbstlich trüb die Pracht jetzt scheint
Und Winter ist mein größter Feind
Bei hellem Schnee da hat se
Den Nachteil: wirkt wie Glatze
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Place Called The Skull
As I am reaching the place called »The skull« I see
Them crucifying my eldest son Jesus
Together with two other men, one on each side
I can hear them crying with desperate pain and as
I try to dry my tears I see him hanging there
Naked and bleeding, and His chest is heaving
So fast as He opens His mouth - I can hardly
Believe it - but He tries to sing the old gospel:
»My God, my God, why, why did You abandon me?
I cried for Your help, but it didn’t come, although
I relied on You, I called to You all day
But You didn’t answer, You still do not answer.«
»Son of God he’ll be called«, said the angel,
»God will give Him His Kingdom of Heaven.«
But this is what happens to what once was promised:
A shabby wood His Kingdom, an awful death His Glory
A little later the soldiers sit under the
Cross and divide His clothes among themselves, throwing
Dice to see who would get which piece of clothing, and
Passers-by stop to hurl insults at Him who gasps
Meanwhile a soldier has climbed up the cross and is
Fixing a notice of the accusation
Against Jesus that says: »The King of the Jews« and the
Soldier is mocking at Jesus while He’s praying:
»Father, forgive them, they’re unaware of what they’re Doing!«
He shouts, but for me it’s too hard to
Agree with His outrageous love for mankind that will
Finally kill Him, that finally kills Him
»Son of God he’ll be called«, said the angel,
»God will give Him His Kingdom of Heaven.«
But this is what happens to what once was promised:
A shabby wood His Kingdom, an awful death His Glory
Suddenly at noon the broad daylight fades, darkness
Covers the country and everyone screams for no
Longer the sun can be seen in the sky, even
One of the crucified men shouts at Jesus:
»Aren’t You the Messiah? Come on, save Yourself and us!«
»Shut up!« the other replies and to Jesus he
Says: »Think of me when You’re in paradise!« Jesus
Answers: »You’ll be there with me this day yet!«
Then He whispers: »I’m thirsty!« and is given cheap wine from a
Sponge which was put on a stick, so He drinks and
He sighs: »It is finished«, then finally He cries out:
»Father! In Your hands I now place my spirit!«
»Son of God he’ll be called«, said the angel,
»God will give Him His Kingdom of Heaven.«
But this is what happens to what once was promised:
Today my son is dying
Now my son is dying
Right now my son is dying
Lyrics & Music: Dirk Röse
Recorded: 1998
© 1998
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What If The Lord Had Not Been On Our Side
What if the Lord had not been on our side?
Answer, o Israel
If the Lord had not been on our side
When our enemies attacked us
Then they would have swallowed us alive
In their furious anger against us
Say, o Israel
Our help comes from the Lord
Who made heaven and earth
So let us thank the Lord, praise the Lord!
Praise Him for the mighty things he has done!
What if the Lord had not been on our side?
Answer, o Israel
If the Lord had not been on our side
The water would have covered us
Then the flood would have carried us away
The raging torrent would have drowned us
Say, o Israel
Our help comes from the Lord
Who made heaven and earth
So let us thank the Lord, praise the Lord!
Praise Him for the mighty things he has done!
What if the Lord had not been on our side?
Answer, o Israel
But the Lord has been on our side
He has not let our enemies destroy us
We’ve escaped like a bird from a hunter’s trap
The trap is broken and we are free
Say, o Israel
Our help comes from the Lord
Who made heaven and earth
So let us thank the Lord, praise the Lord!
Praise Him for the mighty things he has done!
Lyrics: Psalm 124 / Music: Dirk Röse
Recorded: 2018
© 1993